A group of us had to work together to make this
movable bridge during our ropes course.
The group consisted of teams who would spend the summer in:
Mexico, Turkana, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Maasai |
The Internet has been down the past few days so I haven't had a chance to write...Saturday we headed out into the woods to do rope courses. I thought this was going to be lame but it was actually lots of fun. The courses dealt with trust/team building. Some of the obstacles we had to do were: climbing a 10 and 15ft wall-our team had to make it up the wall, we could only use our team members to get up. The guys ended up hoisting the females up and other team members would help the guys up. In another activity we had to build a moveable bridge and get our entire team over the "water" and onto the other side. Each activity performed there were specific instructions and stipulations to each course-we really had to work as a team to accomplish each task.
PDO: Playing cards with MB and Erin. |
Sunday we went to a church that supports CMF and the pastor preached on Ecclesiates. He discussed wise choices we can make. King Solomon had everything and yet he found various pleasures to be meaningless. King Solomon concluded, "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." Ecl. 12:13
Partners at the rope course! |
The cross is what makes the true difference in our lives. At the end the church prayed over the 35 individuals leaving for Africa-what a blessing! I am in awe of how many people are praying for our teams this summer, amazing!
We leave this evening for London, we should arrive there tomorrow morning around 10am. I am heading into the city with a few friends for the day. I can't wait to see London and then we'll arrive in Nairobi, Kenya at 6:45am on June 3rd. I really hope I'll be able to sleep on the plane...Please continue to pray!
"But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster."
-Prov. 1:33
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